RMA Breakfast - Evaluation of Science

The guest of this RMA Breakfast was Michal Petr, head of the scientometric support and evaluation center. He has presented the national and university evaluations of science and shared his insight on these processes.

21 Oct 2024

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The RMA breakfast with the topic of Evaluation of science took place on 18th October. The guest of this event was Michal Petr, who works at the Rector’s office as the head of the scientometric support and evaluation center.

In the beginning, he presented a national evaluation of Science and all the quantitative and qualitative modules used in the evaluation. This process is done by the Methodology M17+, which was created by the Office of the Government of the Czech Republic. The evaluation is important for the quality of governance of science, research, and innovation at the highest levels, for increasing the effectiveness of public spending, and for supporting the improvement of Czech science's quality and international competitiveness. The results influence decision-making regarding the redistribution of finances for individual institutions.

Afterwards, Michal Petr presented the evolution of the evaluation of science at the university in recent years. He explained the components of evaluation and the financing of the individual faculties. These components are motivational (internal grants of Masaryk University), performance component (stimulation of quality and publication activity, performance in the last 3 years), and contracting component (perspective strategy for 5 years, individual for each faculty). It was also discussed, which quantitative indicators influence the performance component of the evaluation.

In the end, the academic and non-academic staff discussed the overall setting of the evaluation and its weaknesses and opportunities.

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