In the wake of Russian aggression against Ukraine, the position of Central and Eastern Europe (CEE) in the security architecture of the EU has become crucial. However, the voice of security research from the region is not well represented in security debates on the European and global level. The International Institute of Political Science (IIPS) of Masaryk University (MUNI) is perfectly positioned to address this disbalance, with its unique expertise of CEE in terms of area studies and outreach to policy sector. In recent years, the IIPS, research centre operating at the Faculty of Social Studies (FSS), has achieved significant improvements in terms of publication output and ability to attract national funding. However, its academic and practical impact has yet to gain a significantly international dimension. By twinning with leading European research centres in security studies, we seek to integrate the IIPS in international networks and increase its ability to obtain international grants, especially Horizon Europe (HE).

Our goal is to create a Central and Eastern European Security Cooperation Cluster (CENTREPEACE) based at the IIPS at Masaryk University. The cluster will develop the excellence, reputation and competitiveness of the IIPS in partnership with the Peace Research Institute Oslo (PRIO) and Aleksanteri Institute (Aleksanteri) at the University of Helsinki (UoH). Full inclusion of IIPS into the European community of security research will contribute to the recognition of CEE perspectives in security discussions, thus making the security debates on both academic and applied level richer and more balanced. As Russia has two European neighbouring regions, Central and Eastern Europe and the Nordic region, the developed approaches will be rooted in first-hand empirical evidence and allow for impact in the study of security cooperation. The cooperation of IIPS with leading research centres in the Nordic region will strengthen its expertise in security research and area studies via mutual cross-fertilization and cumulative impact on European academic and policy discussions.

Focus Groups

Cognitive Warfare

The evolving landscape of security challenges, particularly in the context of hybrid threats posed by Russia, underscores the critical importance of research in addressing cognitive warfare. Focus Group Cognitive Warfare focuses on two pivotal areas: enhancing security cooperation to encounter cognitive threats and building institutional capacity at state and regional levels. By examining key regions such as Central and Eastern Europe and the Nordic countries, the research adopts an interdisciplinary approach combining network analysis and discourse analysis and it illuminates the perceptions of cognitive threats and the principles of security cooperation. By fostering collaboration between leading institutions like MUNI, UoH, and PRIO, this initiative not only advances academic knowledge but also equips policymakers , experts, and practitioners with actionable insights to address the challenges posed by cognitive warfare in today's complex security environment. 

Defence Industry

Focus Group Defence Industry aims to capture the transformation of roles ascribed to defence industry by society as transformation is understood to have a profound impact on national policy and international cooperation. We examine this transformation in three dimensions. The theoretical one of burgeoning roles expanding our former understanding of global defence industrial roles. The discourse level of how these roles are shaped and formed in societal debate. And lastly, the practical dimensions., of impact on policy - namely in defence industrial cooperation, EU initiatives, and the future of European armament capacity. Special attention is devoted to he period of rapid change as a consequence of Russia's aggression in Ukraine. 

Eastern Partnership

Focus Group Eastern Partnership explores Clash of Diffusions within Eastern Partnership nations, where democratic norms promoted by the European Union intersect with authoritarian influences from Russia, shaping the political paths of these regions. Furthermore, we analyze the Strategic Weaponization of essential resources to demonstrate how commodities can be employed as instruments of influence in the changing geopolitical environment. Finally, we delineate the complex Conflict Dynamics in the post-Soviet region, examining how evolving power dynamics and the diminishing influence of Russia may alter conflict patterns, thereby providing insights for EU foreign policy and conflict mitigation. Collectively, these studies offer an extensive insight into the dynamics transforming Eastern Europe, encompassing political conflicts and resource-driven strategies of dominance.

Research Excellence

The Research Excellence Focus Group seeks to strengthen research management and administrative skills and capacities. Its primary objectives are to foster excellence in administrative practices and to support institutions in building frameworks that enhance collaboration and project implementation. By adopting innovative approaches and promoting capacity builing, the group aligns with the broader goals of European Union, which is to enhance competitiveness of the research on the European level. Additionally, this Focus Group will serve as a key link between administrative and research Focus Groups. It aims to identify suitable project calls tailored to the research themes emerging from Focus Groups. Through strategic partnerships and a focus on institutional growth, the RMA Focus Group underscores the critical role of administrative excellence in advancing the European Research Area. 

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