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Masaryk University - International Institute of Political Science

Masaryk University is the second largest university in the Czech Republic and the largest in Moravia. The University is attended by approximately 43 000 students, i.e. about half of all students of the 13 tertiary education institutions in Brno. The University was founded in 1919 and since then belongs to the most significant educational institutions in central Europe. Masaryk University comprises a total of 9 faculties and 3 university institutes. These organizational units aim at providing, above all, a wide portfolio of education and research and professional activities falling under their respective fields of interest.

The International Institute of Political Science has been operating within Masaryk University since 1990. In its current form, the Institute is the result of the integration of two research institutes - the International Political Science Institute and the Institute for Comparative Political Science Research. The former operated until 2012 as a university-based institute researching contemporary Czech and European politics, economy and society. It gained its international character thanks to the cooperation of its founders from the Czech Republic and foreign partners from the United States and the Netherlands. The second predecessor was a research institute of the Faculty of Social Studies of Masaryk University dealing with comparative political science between 2005 and 2011. Today, the International Institute of Political Science operates as one of the research institutes of the Faculty of Social Studies.

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Peace Research Institute of Oslo

The Peace Research Institute Oslo (PRIO) conducts research on the conditions for peaceful relations between states, groups and people.

Researchers at PRIO seek to understand the processes that bring societies together or split them apart. We explore how conflicts erupt and how they can be resolved; we investigate how different kinds of violence affect people; and we examine how societies tackle crises – and the threat of crisis. We document general trends, seek to understand processes, and inform concrete responses.

PRIO is committed to academic excellence. We aim to develop theoretical insights, refine research methodologies, and communicate our findings widely. We see this academic excellence as paramount to having a meaningful impact on society.

Research at PRIO is financed on a project basis by a range of scientific and policy-oriented funders. The institute is an independent foundation, international in its orientation, with an extensive network of collaborators worldwide.

Founded in 1959, the Peace Research Institute Oslo (PRIO) is an independent research institution known for its effective synergy of basic and policy-relevant research. In addition to such research, PRIO conducts graduate training and is engaged in the promotion of peace through conflict resolution, dialogue and reconciliation, public information and policymaking activities. The Institute’s working language is English.

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University of Helsinki - Aleksanteri Institute

The University of Helsinki is Finland’s largest and oldest academic institution and an innovative centre of science and thinking. Since 1640, we have contributed to the establishment of a fair and equal society that is considered one of the best in the world. Today, our multidisciplinary academic community solves problems that affect us all – with the power of knowledge, for the world.

The Aleksanteri Institute, based at the University of Helsinki, Finland, is one of the largest and best-known centres in the field of Russian, Eastern European and Eurasian studies. Our research is embedded within international scholarly networks, and we function as a hub and a catalyst of networks of people and ideas across the globe. We offer training for MA students and doctoral researchers in our field, and manage an international master's programme in Russian, Eurasian and Eastern European studies. We engage in various formats of international cooperation, including our Visiting Fellows Programme and collaborative networks of which the CENTREPEACE project is a prime example. Our research focus areas cover security and security policy, environmental challenges and their impact, politics and institutions, societal changes and identities, and knowledge production & information society.

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