RMA Breakfast - "Project Hunting"

As part of the CENTREPEACE project, an RMA breakfast on "Project Hunting" was held in Brno on 6 September.

6 Sep 2024

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Project hunting is an important process in any research institution, as projects are the main source of funding for research. Alena Lorencová presented the project hunting process on behalf of Masaryk University. She presented the services provided by the Office for Research and Project Support. Anna Korhonen presented the services at the University of Helsinki and the use of databases for research funding. Damian Laws and Anne Duquenne presented the flexibility of research managers and administrators and their role in the project search process at Peace Research Institute Oslo.

The RMA breakfast is the type of event that provides an opportunity for academics and research management and administration staff to meet in a more informal setting and discuss topics that are common to them. The RMA Breakfast should result in improved relationships between academics and research management and administration, leading to better research outcomes and efficiency.

📸 Mariya Ostrenko

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