Kick-off Meeting in Brno

The CENTREPEACE (Central and Eastern Security Cooperation Cluster) project officially launched its activities with its kick-off meeting last week in Brno.

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The CENTREPEACE project meeting brought together an international consortium consisting of Masaryk University (MUNI), the Peace Research Institute of Oslo (PRIO) and the University of Helsinki (UoH). The meeting started with an opening ceremony where representatives of Masaryk University welcomed the participants and wished the participants good luck in their future endeavours.

The meeting continued in a working spirit, where the project management presented the main theme and context of the project, as well as the target groups, deliverables, work packages, activities and topics of the research focus groups that will implement the research part of the project. Focus group meetings were held separately and later together to plan future activities and the research process. The research focus groups will address cognitive warfare, defence-industrial cooperation and the Eastern Partnership.

The CENTREPEACE project is funded by the European Union under the Horizon Europe programme (TWINNING-WIDERA) and focuses on increasing research and administrative competences in order to increase participation in Horizon Europe cluster calls.

📸 Mariya Ostrenko

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