I am an Assistant Professor at Masaryk University, Czech Republic, and Managing Editor of the Czech Journal of Political Science. I also work as a consultant and analyst. I have conducted several research projects in central and eastern Europe, Russia, and the United States. I received a Fulbright research scholarship and spent ten months as a visiting researcher at George Washington University in Washington, DC (2021/2022). I was also selected for the International Visitors Leadership Program run by the United States Department of State (2019). I also obtained the Center for European Policy Analysis´s James S. Denton Transatlantic Fellowship (2019). I regularly publish in peer-reviewed journals and reputable publishing houses, such as Palgrave Macmillan, Elsevier, etc. In my work, I focus on geopolitics, energy security, central and eastern Europe, Russia, the United States, and the transatlantic dimension of energy security.

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