I am professor in Russian environmental studies at the Aleksanteri Institute, University of Helsinki and hold a title of a Docent in Russian energy and natural resource policies at the Finnish Defence University.

I lead a research group focusing on energy and environmental policies, energy security, and political power in Russia and Europe, for example, the Flowision project unfolding how resource flows are made (in)visible and (de)politicized in Finland and Russia, and how they are being imagined as part of climate mitigation policies. Since 2011, I have received 3 million euros in research grants. I unfold Europe’s relations with Russia through the prisms of energy, violence and the environment in my upcoming book ‘How Europe got Russia wrong’.

I have a wide track-record in teaching at European and Russian universities. My teaching duties include lectures in the Aleksanteri-led international MA programme MAREEES as well as other special courses and programmes coordinated by the institute. I’m also actively involved in societal interaction taking part in discussions in the media and at public events as well as providing expertise for public officials and the government.

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